ATMO America convenes HVAC&R industry experts, policy makers, end users, and contractors to learn about the latest developments in natural refrigerants-based solutions. Energy Recovery will showcase how the PX G1300® pressure exchanger can improve year-round CO2 system performance by increasing energy efficiency, high-temperature rack stability, and cooling capacity.

Join our case study presentation on Monday June 10 at 3pm

From Innovation to Application: Kroger, Energy Recovery, and Kysor Warren on Energy Efficient CO2 Refrigeration

This joint presentation will demonstrate how new system designs can drive energy efficiency and high-temperature rack stability of transcritical CO2 refrigeration.


  • Peter Dee, Director, Sales Services CO2, Energy Recovery
  • Ignacio Chaparro, Sustainability & New Technologies Manager, Kysor Warren
  • Michael Dellecave, Manager of Mechanical Services, The Kroger Co. 
ATMO Summit event promotion