The Challenge

Provide Reliable, Clean Water at a Low Cost
Resorts and hotels by the Red Sea in Egypt depend on seawater desalination to provide a reliable and energy-efficient source of clean, potable water. In 2019, a seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plant was commissioned for the Hilton Hurghada Plaza in Hurghada, Egypt, designed to provide 1,000 m3/day of clean water to hotel guests. The desalination facility helps supplement the region’s freshwater supply and eliminates the need to tap into local water sources.
Desalination plants rely on energy recovery devices (ERDs) to lower energy consumption and make the process cost-effective. The plant originally chose to test and install an alternative ERD, but subsequently reported operational issues related to stalling and high vibrational sound levels. After a few months in operation, the customer decided to replace their existing rotary isobaric ERD to avoid downtime and ensure the hotel was able to provide the essential potable water guests needed.