The Industry Standard Solution

The efficiency and life cycle costs of a plant’s energy recovery technology is critical to both securing SWRO projects and achieving maximum plant profitably through the lowest operating costs. Leading international OEM’s such as Acciona Agua, GE Water Process and Technologies, Siemens and Suez Degrémont have selected the PX modular technology for their SWRO projects because it consistently achieves real energy transfer efficiencies— up to 98%, making it the most efficient energy recovery device available today. At the core of the PX device is a single moving rotor made of tough engineered ceramic that is unaffected by chemicals, will not corrode, and requires no periodic maintenance. Over 80 OEMs are standardizing on PX technology with installations around the world, including plants such as Al Shuaibah III, Barcelona, Chennai, Hamma, Perth, Skikda, Torrevieja and Yuhuan.

YuHuan Project Facts

Capacity: 36,000 m3/day
6 trains – 6,000 m3/day
6 PX-220 Pressure Exchangers per SWRO train
97.2% efficiency guaranteed
Plant went online in 2006

YuHuan, China Power Station

The desalination facility in China’s Zheijang Province is the largest desalination project in Mainland Asia. The plant, built by Beijing CNC Technology, Inc. supplies process water to new electrical power stations. The OEM’s decision to use Energy Recovery’s PX Pressure Exchanger® technology for the YuHuan desalination plant helped prepare the country for its 2008 Olympics. The 1,800 MW power stations expanded China’s electrical grid capacity in preparation for the 2008 Olympics. Rapid growth of the economy in China has stretched availability of electric power. Desalinating seawater by conventional “waste heat” recovery methods consumes a significant portion of a power plant’s energy input. Compared to conventional technology, the PX device cuts the amount of energy required to desalinate seawater for power plants by up to 68%. The use of PX technology at the YuHuan desalination plant enables the reduction in desalination plant power demand of over 4.4 MW- saving over $2.0 million per year. Other desalination plants, such as Beijing’s CNC 5,000 m3/day SWRO plant at China Petrochemicals Dalian built in 2003 also uses the PX device. The East China Electric Power Design Institute Ministry (ECEPDI) and Beijing CNC specified Energy Recovery’s PX-220s for YuHuan based on the proven high efficiency and two-year trouble-free track record of the PX-220 installation at Dalian China Petrochemical. Because of its 98% energy efficiency solution, China now leads the world in the adoption of efficient PX technology with close to 100% market share.

Hear about our work from Chinese water authorities in this video.

YuHuan Power Station SWRO Desalination Project

Energy Recovery (NASDAQ: ERII) develops award-winning solutions to improve productivity, profitability, and energy efficiency within the oil & gas, chemical, and water industries. Our products simplify complex systems and protect vulnerable equipment. By recycling fluid pressure that would otherwise be lost in critical processes, we save clients more than $1.4 billion (USD) annually. The PX Pressure Exchanger is a rotary positive displacement pump that recovers energy from the high-pressure waste stream of sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO) systems at up to 98% efficiency with no downtime or scheduled maintenance. Headquartered in the Bay Area, Energy Recovery has offices in Barcelona, Shanghai, and Dubai.

The world’s largest energy recovery device manufacturer delivers:

Proven SWRO Power Consumption as Low as 1.7 kWh/m†
No Scheduled Maintenance Shutdown
No Pulsations, or Complicated Controls
The Simplest Solution to Lowest Lifecycle Costs
Flexibility, Proven Reliability and Real Savings
