Energy Recovery Establishes Corporate Emissions Reduction Target; Surpasses $5.9 Billion in Energy Savings for Customers According to Latest Sustainability Report

Energy Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQ: ERII), a trusted global leader in energy efficiency technology, today released its fourth annual Sustainability Report, underscoring the strong connection between the company’s business goals and its sustainability efforts. Energy Recovery has set its first...

MSCI Upgrades Energy Recovery’s ESG Rating to AAA

Energy Recovery, Inc. (NASDAQ: ERII) announced today that MSCI upgraded the company from an AA rating to its highest rating of AAA in its latest environmental, social, and governance (ESG) assessment completed on July 4, 2023. MSCI’s evaluation recognizes Energy Recovery as one of the highest...


美国能量回收公司(纳斯达克股票代码:ERII)今日宣布任命制冷业务高管 David Moon 和水解决方案负责人 Colin Sabol 加入其董事会。 美国能量回收公司董事会主席、总裁兼首席执行官 Robert Mao 表示:“Moon 先生和 Sabol 先生在各自领域的丰富专业知识将是一笔宝贵的财富...