Case Study / CO2 Refrigeration
Efficient, resilient, and scalable
The PX G1300 pressure exchanger supports your transition to CO2 refrigeration by simplifying energy efficiency and hot-weather reliability. In normal system conditions, the PX G1300 saves energy, decreases water usage, and provides operational flexibility. When a rack is under high temperature stress, the PX G1300 offers extra capacity and high temperature rack stability to protect against high-pressure discharge failure and associated downtime.
Game-Changing Performance
Simplify CO2 refrigeration efficiency and hot-weather reliability with the PX G1300. End the cycle of summer-time stress, unexpected energy costs, and water reliance.
Lower energy consumption
Projected annual energy savings of up to 15% or more with as much as 30% peak COP lift in hot weather. *
Improve System Stability
Increased capacity safeguards against heatwaves or creates operational flexibility to add more cases to your store.
Cut OPEX Costs
Reduce power consumption and minimize water usage with low maintenance and long design life.
REduce Emissions
Maximize emissions reductions potential with an energy efficient, PX G-enabled system.
Explore PX G1300 Field Results
Discover the performance gains achieved by incorporating the PX G1300 into diverse CO2 refrigeration system designs and load sizes in our latest white paper.
How it Works
Peak COP Lift *
Projected annual energy savings *
Increase in design temperature (11°F) *
Increased capacity in a 150 kW system *
At its core, the PX G1300 pressure exchanger improves the efficiency of a CO2 refrigeration system by recovering the high-pressure energy from the exit of the gas cooler that would have otherwise been wasted. It expands the refrigerant, like a valve, but recovers the expansion energy and provides compression. This lowers the workload on the main compressor rack, reducing energy usage and increasing system capacity without water.
A Track Record You Can Trust
For 30 years, Energy Recovery’s technology has provided significant energy and cost savings for our customers in desalination. Our leading PX® Pressure Exchanger® is a globally trusted technology with a long history providing efficiency, installed capital cost (CAPEX) reduction, and operational reliability.
Sustainability at Our Core
With 100% of our revenue in addressing environmental challenges, reducing emissions, or both, we’re building a better, more sustainable future for our customers, partners, and communities.
Case Study / CO2 Refrigeration
Simplifying Energy Efficiency with the PX G1300®
Case Study / White Paper / CO2 Refrigeration
PX G1300® Performance Measurement & Validation Whitepaper
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